【作詞tokyocabin】広東語版「イップ・マン」(原曲・川井憲次)歌 Carling Chiu "Ip Man Song" based on Theme by Kenji Kawai "Ip Man Theme"



I was asked to add Cantonese lyrics to Kenji Kawai's "Ip Man". It took two years to complete, so I'm very happy. I would like to thank all the people who helped me.

広東語版「イップ・マン」"Ip Man Song" (Cantonese)  Vocal Carling Chiu



広東語版「イップ・マン」の歌詞 Lyrics of "Ip Man Song" (Cantonese)  Vocal Carling Chiu

1st Verse

如詠春詩歌 綻放繽紛遍地 梅花瓣風裡飛
So as the song of spring, blooms everywhere, plum blossom petals fly in the wind
沉稳紮根  讓身體似樹木 燕飛也不會搖動
Like a root let your body like a tree stay still even when swallow fly
拳術與修行 讓身心醞釀 每天刻苦練拳仗
Martial art and spiritual exercise prepare you heart and your body practice Wing Chun everyday
無懼怕艱難 勇敢不屈向上 遠超世間超各形象
No fear of difficulties move forward courageously go beyond all materials in the world
敵我不分 連接世間
There no enemy let’s connect the nature
聯繫這一刻 似百花開滿地 多優美
The moment when we connect it looks like flowers blooming everywhere so beautiful

2nd Verse
如詠春詩歌 你那可愛笑臉 隨著春風呈現
So as the song of spring, your lovely smile and face shows in the breeze of spring
維護我所愛 我可犠牲捨己 無懼怕不用逃避
To stand up for what I love (things or people) I can sacrifice myself No fear no escape
來吧, 快醒覺 快將身心清空 融入宇宙天際中
Let us awaken let’s empty our body and soul And merge with the cosmos / universe
如萬法歸一 透過修身正念強
All things return to the one (Buddhism) through cultivating our moral character and rectifying our mind
you will connect to the infinite energy
無法有法 無限有限
Using no way as way, having no limitation as limitation
拳勁如疾風 快似風 風似電  飛快
Energy of the martial art is like a strong wind move as fast as wind as quick as lighting very fast
隨意飄揚 這刻自由似風 搖曳廣闊天際中
He is waving freely free like a wind flickering across the vast sky

「イップ・マン」広東語版が2年かかったいきさつ  How the Cantonese version of "Ip Man" took two years to complete


最初わたしはそれを知らず、普通に翻訳を頼んでいたのですが、それでは全く「歌」にならず…人を変えること3回(金使いました…)、4回目にして、歌い手であり言葉も操れる香港出身のCarling Chiuさん(イタリア在住)にお願いできました。それでも簡単な作業ではなく、何度もディスカッションを重ねました。その際には香港のVincent Wongさんにもご協力いただきました。





そんなわけでMindful Wing Chunでも、キング師父の下で精進させていただきます。

Cantonese, with its nine tones, requires not only the meaning of the words, but also the words in the right tone to match the melody. This is in contrast to Japanese, where words can be applied without much attention to pitch. (In return, the amount of information in one measure is about three times that of Japanese. ) For this reason, it is said that in the Greater China region, even singer-songwriters usually ask a lyricist as a "craftsman" to write the lyrics.

At first, I didn't know this, and asked for a translation, but that didn't make it a "song" at all... I had to change people three times (I spent a lot of money...). For the fourth time, we were able to get Carling Chiu from Hong Kong (who lives in Italy), who is a singer and can control the language. Still, it was not an easy task and we had many discussions. We also had the help of Vincent Wong from Hong Kong.

Now that the lyrics were done and the vocals were recorded, we had a problem with the mix. For some reason, the mixer I always ask for couldn't reproduce the last a cappella and the delay effect well this time, and no matter how many times I tried, I couldn't get it right. So I decided to ask mazeri-san, who did this work for the Japanese version, to do it for me. (To be honest, I couldn't ask for a priority course because my budget was running low. ....

As you know, the past two years have been years of great change for Hong Kong.... And it was also the year of pandemic. In the midst of all this, what I wanted to express in this song was

The joy of man lies in the pursuit of his inner power, and when he/she does, his/her spirit is free.

That is why I will continue to devote myself to on-line Mindful Wing Chun under Sifu King.

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