【衝撃】ランニングは筋肉を減らすリスク Truth! Running can reduce your muscle



Women's health is in trouble. There are women in their 20s who are obsessed with dangerous and wrong diets, women in their 30s who suffer from sensitivity to cold temperatures, women in their 40s who are constantly talking about back pain, women in their 50s whose backs are already bent, and women in their 60s who already have the back of an old lady. The answer to all of this is the usual keyword: muscle.

”いい身体”の早道 The fastest way to a "good body"


My definition of a "good body" is not an erotic body. Such a thing is rather harmful for people over 30 years old. ("That's your personal opinion, isn't it?" Hiroyuki)

本稿における”いい身体” The "good body" in this artcile

  • 程よく筋肉と脂肪ののったバランスのいい身体
  • 瞬発力、耐久性、柔軟性に優れる
  • 基礎代謝が高く、腰痛、冷え性などには縁がない


  • Well-balanced body with a good amount of muscle and fat
  • Excellent instantaneous power, endurance, and flexibility.
  • High basal metabolism, no back pain, no sensitivity to cold, etc.
  • High fighting ability when you really get into it.

The ideal person is Scarlett Johansson in the movie "Ghost in the Shell". Please refer to the following article about it.




  • 坂詰真二 Shinji Sakazume…CSCS(認定ストレングス&コンディショニングスペシャリスト)とNSCA-CPT(NSCA認定パーソナルトレーナー)
  • 河村玲子 Reiko Kawamura…NESTA-PFT(全米エクササイズ&スポーツトレーナー協会認定パーソナルフィットネストレーナー)

Therefore, the key is "muscle mass in the body."

The following is a reference to "Muscular Rice for Girls" (Shinsei Shuppansha).

Supervisors of the book:

  • Shinji Sakazume...CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) and NSCA-CPT (NSCA Certified Personal Trainer)
  • Reiko Kawamura...NESTA-PFT (National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association Certified Personal Fitness Trainer)

年齢とともに筋肉は減る Muscle loss with age

Some people often claim that their weight is the same as when they were in their twenties. Well, so do I, but that doesn't make much sense. As you get older, you lose heavy muscle mass every year. "People who say "my weight hasn't changed" are more likely to be saying "I'm gaining fat as I'm losing muscle. The evidence of this is that you look completely different. If you think that you look exactly the same, please leave this article because it is useless.

体重は同じだが見た目が変わる Same weight, looks different


1,744 回視聴2019/09/01

なんで筋肉は減るの? Why do we lose muscle mass?

  • 10代:筋肉の成長を促すホルモンが盛んに分泌→とくに運動をしなくても筋肉が増える
  • 高齢(本稿においては30代以降):成長ホルモンの分泌が衰えるため、なにもしないと筋肉はただ減るだけ。とくに体の筋肉の7割を占める下半身の筋肉は20代後半から減り始める
  • Teenagers: Hormones that stimulate muscle growth are actively secreted → muscle growth occurs without any particular exercise.
  • Older age (in this article, after 30s): The secretion of growth hormone declines, so if you don't do anything, you will only lose muscle mass. In particular, the muscles of the lower body, which account for 70% of the body's muscles, start to decline in the late 20s.

なんで筋肉が減ると困るの? Why do you need to lose muscle mass?

  • 身体が本来の姿勢を保てなくなる>>背中が丸まったり(結構若い方でもいますよね)、脚が極端なO脚になります(熱心なランナーにありがち)。
  • 基礎代謝が落ちる>>より太りやすくなる・冷え性(かつてのわたしがそうでした。冷房に弱くて、何枚来ても震えるんです)
  • Unable to maintain a natural posture>> Your back will round (even quite young people do this, don't they?) and your legs will become extremely O-legged (common among avid runners).
  • Lower basal metabolism>> more likely to get fat and cold (I used to be like that. I have a weakness for air-conditioning, and I shiver no matter how many layers I wear.

ランニングやウォーキングしてれば大丈夫? いいえ! Will I be okay if I run or walk? No!


When you run, your energy comes mainly from carbohydrates and fats, and the longer you run, whether for 30 minutes or an hour, the more body fat you will burn and the more toned your body will become. Unfortunately, running does not build up the muscles of the lower body, which are easily weakened and are the key to metabolism. ...Exercise that can be continued for a long time means that it is of low intensity.
...Aerobic exercise may cause fat loss while at the same time breaking down and losing more muscle than necessary. This is the reason why marathoners incorporate strength training. The purpose is to strengthen the muscles and stabilize the form, but also to halt the muscle loss that ironically occurs when running...

それ、聞いてないよ! まじですか? 少しは筋肉になってると思ってたのに、むしろ減るなんてどうゆうことですか?

I didn't hear that! Seriously? I thought I was gaining a little muscle, but how can I be losing it?
But it's a scientific fact, so we have to accept it. I used to do fast-paced dance-type exercises, but they only burned calories and reduced muscle mass. I was so shocked by this Copernican turn of events that I couldn't get anything done all day yesterday.

体幹トレーニングではお腹は凹まない Body trunk training will not make your belly smaller 



To begin with, muscle can be trained in parts, but fat can neither be increased nor decreased in parts...
The amount of muscle in your core doesn't change much throughout your life... (If you want to increase your metabolism), it's much more effective to do 3 minutes of muscle training for the big muscles in your lower body than 30 minutes of core training.

What? What's the point of planking? <<It's not efficient in terms of "building muscle that will decrease.

100回腹筋はムダ 100 sit-ups are useless




100 sit-ups = weak load

Per excersise item: 10 X 3 sets with a load that you can do 12 times

So, now that I think about it, Pamela's aerobic exercises with a lot of times per session are inefficient. Well...it would be more correct from a YouTuber's point of view if she did it for 30 minutes or so. Yes, this does eat up a lot of time, doesn't it?



Frequency is 2-3 times a week (muscles hypertrophy more efficiently when rested)

So, the current correct answer is

中山きんに君の10種目10分間を週2でやる Kinni Nakayama's 10 exercises for 10 minutes twice a week


587,122 回視聴2020/09/16 ザ・きんにくTV 【The Muscle TV】
チャンネル登録者数 126万人 ○夏に向けて痩せたい部位BEST5 10種目10分間

Don't worry, you won't get as muscular as Nakayama after doing this.

まとめ Answer

  • 加齢で減少する筋肉を増やすには下半身の筋トレが最も効率的
  • 12回できる負荷で10回X3セット、週2回でOK
  •  Muscle training of the lower body is the most efficient way to increase muscle mass that decreases with age
  • 3 sets of 10 repetitions with a load of 12 repetitions, twice a week is OK