あなたはBUSHIな尾形百之助および松陰寺「のすけ」Hyakunosuke Ogata "Kiralira Bushi" REKISHI


尾形上等兵はどうしてあんな子になってしまったの? なぜに彼の視線は釧路の氷原より冷たいのか? ”上手く笑えないんだ どうしようもないまんま♪”
Why did PFC Ogata grow up to be such an enfant terrible?  Why are his eyes colder than the ice field of Kushiro?  ”I cannot even muster one tiny little laughter♪”

尾形百之助の生い立ち Background of Hyakunosuke Ogata 


You can roughly learn the ruthless story behind the character with the following video. The degree of spoiler is not so high.  The degree is as low as the spicy level of curry in Kichijoji, not hot as curry in Mumbai.  However, if you cannot stand with even a little knowledge before you watch the series, please keep off today's articles. 

母はよくあんこう鍋を作ってくれました…My mother used to make angler pot dish...


OGATA - See What I've Become [Golden Kamuy AMV] 3,137 回視聴•2021/01/22
Dorci AMV チャンネル登録者数 501人

Ms. Dorci uploaded a bunch of Ogata videos. She must be totally obsessed with Hyakunosuke.  

薩摩藩 vs. 水戸藩、尾形に影を落とす幕末の因縁? Satsuma Domain vs. Mito Domain; Fate at the end of Edo era casting a shadow over Ogata

A professor of Tokyo University explains the character's origin stemming from the end of the Edo period. This is a very interesting analysis.



<Parents of Hyakunosuke Ogata>

Fater: Koujiro Hanazawa, an elete army officer from Satsuma Domain
Mother: Geisha girl at Asakusa from Ibaraki Prefecture (former Mito Domain)

幕末から明治時代の歴史をご存じの方には言わずもがなですが、念のため説明いたします。明治維新前のの戊辰戦争 (1868-69) において、天皇側の”官軍”となったのは薩長土肥の四藩です。逆に江戸幕府に忠誠を貫いたいわゆる”御三家”の一つ水戸藩などは、天皇の朝廷に背く”逆賊”とされます。(実際はそう単純なことではないので、この扱いはアンフェアです)。これは、ほぼ時を同じくしたアメリカの南北戦争(1861-65)の、北軍対南軍でイメージに近い気がします。

If you know enough about the history from the end of Edo period through Meiji period, please skip the follows: The Meiji Restoration was pursued by Satsuma, Choshu Tosa and Bizen Domains, the winners as an imperial force under the Emperor in Boshin War (1868-69) On the other hand, Mito Domain, as one of three domains loyal to Edo shogunate government regarded as a rebels against the Emperor (actually, that was unfair). This has an image somewhat close to the U.S. Civil War (1861-65).
Hyakunosuke Ogata is the son of the winner (an elite army office from Satsuma Domain) and the loser (a geisha girl from Mito Domain, who might have been born to be a warrior class).


Ogata's mother was pure-hearted as much as falls in love with her customer. 
Geisha, a kind of entertainer, is not supposed to have a sexual relationship with her  customers. (If she has such a relationship, she will be called "wild cat.")
However, the mother got so close to the father of Ogata.
She must have been mentally prepared for such a conduct, I guess.
The grandparents of Ogata, along with his mother, a good posture with an air of elegance.
Hyakunosuke himself is also civilized.
He is intelligent and well-informed as much as knowing a legendary sniper during the Civil War.
The greate shooting skill he earned when he was a boy might be succeed from his grandfather who fought  in the end of the Edo period.    


 Waita aminute!! OMG! Hyakunosuke Ogata is tantalizingly dangerous! …A dangerous, intellectual man can really be popular. And, Yes! He is so popular, coming close to main character Sugimoto in the GKA general election.



Now I have a vision of Ogata with "Slow Dance In the Dark" by Joji, and I hope someone makes it someday... (I am so relying on other people)

"のすけ”の名前が背負うもの What names includes "-nosuke" take on


  In Golden Kamuy, there are two characters Hyaku-nosuke Ogata and Oto-noshin Koito.
This is a citation from Wikipedia <Kemyo (nickname)>.
In the process of samurai peoples having their own kemyo (nickname), nicknames such as "-suke" and "-shin," which used to be names for lower class officials in Kyoto or provinces, started to be used. Names with "-suke," "-nosuke" and "-noshin" are only used by the samurai class.
Thus, according to the name , the above two may be from samurai class.


  The names including "-nosuke" are only used by samurai. Suzu-nosuke Akado is the main character of a swordsboy comic. Famous novelist "Ryu-nosuke Akutagawa '' has ancestors who served tea for the Tokugawa shogunate family. That said, at least for me"nosuke" means a cute dog in the yellow-floor room of Pekopa.

松陰寺の犬「のすけ」はジャックラッセルテリア Shoinji's Nosuke is a jack russell terrier


「ご飯抜き!」の反応 25,855 回視聴2021/04/29 ぺこぱチャンネル
チャンネル登録者数 22.8万人

The above article is included "Busho Japan" a website specialized in warlords in Japan.

I'll be back to Busho Japan someday.

(To be continued)


ゴールデンカムイを完全無料で楽しむ方法結論 Conclusion: How to enjoy "Golden Kamuy" for free 

  1. ヤンジャン漫画TVで9話まで無料で楽しむ
  2. そのあとFODを登録して2週間無料で楽しむ(急いで観れば3シーズン分を全部観ることは不可能ではありません)観きれなくて、1か月だけ入会しても888円で済みます。
  1. Enjoy the manga at Young Jump Manga TV through Episode 9.
  2. Later, enjoy the animation, becoming an FOD free member for two weeks. If you cannot watch all three seasons within the period, pay 888 yen for one month more. 

今日のまとめ Today's roundup

Hyakunosuke seems to be a Bushi boy. Well, so what? What really matters is whether you can "do it or not." Actually, this is a story during Meiji Era.

「あなたは Bushi, Bushi, Bushi♪」 You are Bushi, Bushi, Bushi♪


レキシ / きらきら武士 feat. Deyonna 19,624,090 回視聴2011/03/25
REKISHI- Kirakira Bushi
avex チャンネル登録者数 562万人 http://www.laughin.co.jp/ikechan/

(上記動画はもしかしたらYouTube Premium 限定かもしれません)

(The above MV might be available only for YouTube Premium members.)
