「イップ・マン」の歌は男歌ではない?クリス・リーがオバさんになっても♪② Wing Chun (Theme Song from Movie "Ip Man 4") by Chris Lee


I requested a person to sing my Ip Man Song in English, but it was found unmatched the song. I think Maestro Kawai's melodies go well with female vocals, not male. This time, I am going to verify this point.

なぜ「イップ・マン・ソング」に男性ボーカルが合わないか? Why do not male vocals fit Ip Man Song? 

Let me give you some reasons why they does not match:

①「イップ・マン4」テーマ「詠春」がそもそも女性 "Wing Chun," Official song for "Ip Man 4" was sung by a female

なんといって「詠春」は"正式”な映画のテーマソングですから、プロダクション側も相当考えたはず。その答えとして「女」の歌い手が選ばれたのでしょう。歌の内容も、イップ・マン主語ではあるものの、妻を見つめた愛妻家(ウィルソン・イップ監督の『イップ・マン』シリーズにおいては)の視点です。(実際のイップ・マンは、アンソニー・ウォン主演『イップ・マン 最終章』(2013)の方が近いようです。こちらもいい映画です)

 "Wing Chun" is an "official" theme song and the production considered it very well before deciding a singer for it.  A "female" singer was their answer. The lyrics are written in the view of Ip Man, a "devoted husband," at least in the Ip Man series directed by Wilson Ip. (The actual Ip Man seems too close to Ansony Won in "Ip Man: The Final Fight" (2013)  including a story of his lover. )

永 不 老 去 的 爱 你
Never too old to keep loving you

This is the words women are yearning for. If this is said by the woman side,

私がオバさんになっても! Even When I'm an Old Lady


2020 森高千里『17才』『私がオバさんになっても』
36,671 回視聴2021/06/13 IDOL COLLECTION
チャンネル登録者数 1290人

The lyrics  of "Wing Chun" were written by Vincent Fang who is famous for collaborating with popular star Jay Chou. (Why do I always feel like to add the adjective "popular" to J.C.?). His lyrics are comfortable to ears and splendid to eyes. "Far Away" is a good example.  

Wing Chun (Theme Song from Movie "Ip Man 4") by Chris Lee


Wing Chun (Theme Song from Movie "Ip Man 4")
261,740 回視聴•2019/12/19 Chris Lee - トピック チャンネル登録者数 541人 

Provided to YouTube by WM China Vocals: Chris Lee
Arranger: Jeff Chan, Writer: Kenji Kawai,  Lyricist: Vincent Fang

Chinese Singer: Li Yu Chun 李宇春 Chris Lee
Chinese Composer: Chen Qin Yang 陈沁扬
Chinese Lyrics: Fang Wen Shan 方文山

hóng chén děng xiāng yù
红 尘 等 相 遇
Red dust, etc
děng lái ài hèn zài duì xì
等 来 爱 恨 在 对 戏
Wait to love hate in the play
shuí zài shuí de huí yì lǐ
谁 在 谁 的 回 忆 里
Who in whose back memory
jiāng hú yíng fēng yǔ
江 湖 迎 风 雨
The river and lake face the wind and rain
wǒ cháo ēn yuàn zǒu guò qù
我 朝 恩 怨 走 过 去
I went over to her
nǐ què bú zài jié jú lǐ
你 却 不 在 结 局 里
You're not in the game
duàn yuán cán bì kū jǐng yǒng chūn rú yǐng suí háng
断 垣 残 壁 枯 井 咏 春 如 影 随 行
Broken walls and dry Wells spring as the shadow along
fēng shēng xiāo xiāo jì xù yú yàn wáng fǎn xiāo xi
风 声 萧 萧 继 续 鱼 雁 往 返 消 息
The sound of the wind continued to disappear
nǐ shuō ràng shì yán chún jìng rú liú lí
你 说 让 誓 言 纯 净 如 琉 璃
You said let the oath be as pure as glass
wéi ài bù rǎn chén de yǒng qì
为 爱 不 染 尘 的 勇 气
For love does not stain the dust of the brave spirit
jiāng nǐ xiě rù zhè zhāng huí xiǎo shuō lǐ
将 你 写 入 这 章 回 小 说 里
Write you down in this chapter
yǒng bù lǎo qù de ài nǐ
永 不 老 去 的 爱 你
Never old to love you
chū qiū xún mù dí
初 秋 寻 牧 笛
In the early autumn I sought the shepherd flute
xún lái chóu xù tiān jǐ bǐ
寻 来 愁 绪 添 几 笔
Add a few strokes to your troubles
dí shēng qīng luò zài mèng lǐ
笛 声 轻 落 在 梦 里
The whistle fell softly in my dream
míng yuè yìng hé dī
明 月 映 河 堤
The moon reflects the river bank
lín lín bō guāng jǐ huá lǐ
粼 粼 波 光 几 华 里
Lin Lin waves light a few li
nǐ de tàn xī luò nǎ lǐ
你 的 叹 息 落 哪 里
Where does your sigh fall
sī zhú zhī yīn líng tīng yuǎn fāng shuí zài tán qín
丝 竹 之 音 聆 听 远 方 谁 在 弹 琴
The silk bamboo voice listens to who is playing the piano in the distance
yè bàn jǐ xǔ gū jì zhǐ wéi děng nǐ yí jù
夜 半 几 许 孤 寂 只 为 等 你 一 句
Night half a few lonely only to wait for you a sentence
nǐ shuō ràng shì yán chún jìng rú liú lí
你 说 让 誓 言 纯 净 如 琉 璃
You said let the oath be as pure as glass
wéi ài bù rǎn chén de yǒng qì
为 爱 不 染 尘 的 勇 气
For love does not stain the dust of the brave spirit
jiāng nǐ xiě rù zhè zhāng huí xiǎo shuō lǐ
将 你 写 入 这 章 回 小 说 里
Write you down in this chapter
yǒng bù lǎo qù de ài nǐ
永 不 老 去 的 爱 你
Never old to love you
nǐ shuō ràng shì yán chún jìng rú liú lí
你 说 让 誓 言 纯 净 如 琉 璃
You said let the oath be as pure as glass
cǐ shēng bù gāi yǔ yuán fèn wéi dí
此 生 不 该 与 缘 分 为 敌
This life should not be separated from the edge of the enemy
rú nǐ mò xǔ zhè duǎn zàn de bié lí
如 你 默 许 这 短 暂 的 别 离
If you allow this short separation
zhǐ yào zuì zhōng shì měi lì
只 要 最 终 是 美 丽
Only the most beautiful
ér wǒ shì tā men kǒu zhōng de chuán qí
而 我 是 他 们 口 中 的 传 奇
And I am a legend in their mouths
bú bài lì yú zhè tiān dì
不 败 立 于 这 天 地
Stand not defeated in this heaven and earth

Yong Chun 咏春 Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Li Yu Chun 李宇春 Chris Lee | Chinese Song


I think Chris Lee is a nic choice. (<< Excuse me but who are you anyway?)  She is a handsome woman with an androgynous charm, which makes this feminish song successful.  It is sometimes too much when a very womanly singer sings a feminine song.  

『孫文の義士団』で爆弾娘を演じるクリス・リー Chris Lee in "Bodyguards and Assassins" 2009


釋延能 李宇春 《十月圍城》同歸於盡
1,153 回視聴•2020/01/06 風少年 チャンネル登録者数 5230人

I knew Chris through "Bodyguards and Assassins." She plays a soldier with a Chinese northern-style hat, displaying a boyish cuteness.

まとめ Wrap-up

↓ (女らしい歌手が歌うと見せかけて)


Ip Man is a kunfu hero
↓(So it shoud be sung by a man?)
Song with a feminish, romantic sense 
↓ So it should be sung by a feminin singer?)
Boysh Chris Lee

Such creative deviation is a key to creation of anything including fashin and music producing. 

アイデアは「今ある要素の組み合わせでしかない。」Ideas are new combinations


217,418 回視聴•2020/12/23【新】フェルミ漫画大学 チャンネル登録者数 28.6万人

  1. データを集める(YouTube) Gather data (eg. Watching Contents)
  2. 咀嚼して組み合わせる(ブログ) Break down and combine them
  3. 放置(一回忘れて遊ぶ)  Forget once and play
  4. アイデア出てくる    Grab ideas
  5. 人の役に立てる方法を考える  Use ideas for people
  1. Gather data (eg. Watching A LOT OF YouTube contents)
  2. Break down and combine them (eg. blog)
  3. Forget once and play
  4. Grab ideas
  5. Use ideas for people



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