「新庄節」朝倉さやの録音とエヴァ/アクエリオン音頭 Saya Asakura's recording scene of Shinjo-bushi;Eva&Aquarion Dance Song



Saya Asakura's "new" Shinjo Bushi produced by Solaya is great. However, the recording video and the sound SUPER! I listen to it in the morning to drive away my sleepiness.  "Hah  Kitasahhhh!!"

「新庄節」朝倉さやの録音シーン Saya Asakura's recordings scene of Shinjo-bushi

レコーディング 風景 / 民謡日本一 - YouTube

6,528 回視聴•2016/11/03
朝倉さや チャンネル登録者数 9.37万人

1:26 Saya、こちらを見て笑う ←超絶チャーミングです!
1:26 saya, looking back at you, smiling ←Extremely charming!

(ハ キタサ)(Hah  Kitasa)

こちら雪だと 返す文  
It is snowing here, replying to the letter  (Hah  Kitasa)

Saya plays shamisen (a three-stringed Japanese banjo)

(ハ キタサ)(Hah  Kitasa)

(ハ キタサ)(Hah  Kitasa)

東雲の東雲の 夜明けの頃に 
When it is almost dawn, 

 (ハ キタサ)(Hah  Kitasa)


Sparrows say Chun Chun

a crow says Kaa Kaa

お空に鳶が ヒョーロヒョロ  
A kite fly singing Hyohro-hyoro

して又お寺の 金木魚
Moreover the bell andl drum at the temple

スコポーン スコポンポンと
Sukopohn, Sukoponpon

鳴らぬうちや 帰さりょか
Let us back home before the sound starts

1:26 saya、こちらを見て笑う ←超絶チャーミングです!
1:26 saya, looking back at you, smiling ←Extremely charming!

solaya: 今のどう?大体?

saya: ちょっと聴いてみてもいいですか?

solaya: 何か…パワー出たね。

saya: 硬い感じしますか?

(ハ キタサー)
(ハ キタサ)
saya: 多分大丈夫です。ちょっと聴いてみてもいいですか?


solaya: What do you think of this? Roughly.
saya:  Can I take alisten to this?  What is it like compraed to the previous take?
solaya: It is... powerful
aya: It is somewhat rigit? 
(Hah  Kitasah)
(Hah  Kitasa)
saya: I think that is no problem. Let me take alisten to it.

彼女は掛け声も自分でなさってたんですね。「ハ  キタサ!」のパワフルなこと!

I found that Saya is doing the calling part as well. Her "Ha Kitasah!” resounds so powerful!

Check the full lyrics for "Shinjo-bushi" here.


Moreoer, there is no question of Saya's ability even in anime ondo.

音頭とはなにか? "Ondo" is a Japanese festival dance song 


"Ondo" is a style of dance song used at traditional festivals in Japan. There used to be various forms of Ondo before. However, today's format with characteristic strong "dodongadon" drum rhythm took hold by "Tokyo Ondo" sung by Katsuro Kouta released in 1933.    

「東京音頭」by 小唄勝太郎 Tokyo Ondo by Katutaro Kouta


東京音頭 小唄勝太郎
925 回視聴•2020/11/06
Yutaka Kamikawa チャンネル登録者数 2770人
1933年発売 作詞:西條八十/作曲:中山普平

ハア 踊り踊るなら
チョイト 東京音頭 ヨイヨイ
花の都の 花の都の真ん中で サテ
ヤートナ ソレ ヨイヨイヨイ
ヤートナ ソレ ヨイヨイヨイ

Hah, I you want to dance,
Tokyo Ondo is a little good
Step in the center of the florishing city, now
Move your body, now, Yoi yoi yoi
Move your body, now, Yoi yoi yo


Ondo songs have been integrated with Anime songs and pops, which are gathering attention. Many singer sang such new, uinconventional ondo songs. Actually, electro pops go well. 

I listened to two anime ondo songs performed by Saya. Both are far better than normal anime ondo songs just combined with "dodongadon" beats. Saya's songs are sophisticated and groovy with her beutiful kobushi (a Japanese traditional  tremolo technique). You can ride her rhythm naturally. They are outstanding anime ondo songs. 

残酷な天使のテーゼ音頭  Cruel Angel's Thesis Ondo


453,392 回視聴 



What a cooll tremolo added to the song! Overall, it is dynamic. It sounds not minyo-like, but Afro beat-like?

(Yoito Korya Seh! )

「創聖のアクエリオン」音頭 Aquarion Ondo


創聖のアクエリオン / 朝倉さやカバー


(そーれそれそれそれー! はよいっしょ、あーこにりゃこりゃ!)

Callings add nice spice to the song. Very interesting version.
(Sohresoresoreh! Ha Yoissho, Ah koryakorya!)
The overall, however, is in a healing song style.  

まとめ Wrapping-up


"Ondo '' originally represented the lead vocalist in gagaku and shomyo, both of which are Japanese ancient musics dedicated to gods and Buddah. Saya Asakura's traditional-based but super fresh vocal is believed to be appropriate for "Ondo" for Japan.  

Check the full lyrics for "Shinjo-bushi" here.
