お付き合いから…ユニーク系男子M氏37歳のご紹介--滝藤賢一ではない Unique 37-y-o man looking for a mate; not Kenichi Takito




”I'd like to have a cup of sweet beans with my love"

Hi, this is Somemi Narita, a chief of Shinjuku Matching Center of Tokyo Cabin. Today, I brought you attractive information for FREE!, of course. Mr. M, a unique 37-year-old man, is looking for a lady for a long-term relationship leading to marriage.  

M氏のアピールポイント(スペック)Selling points of Mr. M

  • 話が面白いです!(ユニークな話題にことかかないチャレンジ精神の持ち主)
  • 千葉の農家の自称ボンです!(まじに広大な農地所有、サバイバル度高し)
  • いいかんじの2.5枚目!(超2枚目ではありませんがその分汎用性高し。3ではありません)
  • 本格中華料理が作れます!(町中華ではなく本中華です)
  • バク転もカンフーもできる抜群の運動能力!(ケンカなら数人の敵が倒せる…想定)
  • 語学堪能です!(英語と広東語と中国語で華麗に謝ることができます)
  • ご職業は役者です!(映画やテレビに出演なさっています)!(ご注意:滝藤賢一氏ではありません)
  • Funny and gentle (a man of challenge always pursuing something unique)
  • Good son of a farm family in Chiba Prefecture (owing a vast rice field. No need to buy rice)
  • Not super handsome, but so-so good looking (suggesting high versatility)
  • Can cook REAL Chinese dishes 
  • Athlete who can do backflip and kung-fu (able to beat a few people in fight...under a specific situation)
  • Fluent in English/Cantonese/Chinese (good at apologizing in a special manner)
  • He is an actor (for movies and television)! (Note: He is NOT Kenichi Takito)

だから滝藤賢一じゃねーって言ってっだろが! I repeat, he is NOT Kenichi Takito!

25,429 回視聴•2018/03/04
ウオモUOMO チャンネル登録者数 1.36万人

滝藤賢一が緊急提言! 10年後も妻と笑っているために今日からできる10のこと

  1. なんでもない日に花を買って帰る
  2. 家事を率先してやる
  3. 「いただきます」「ごちそうさま」だけでなく「ありがとう」「おいしかった」
  4. メイクアップで待たされてもせかさない
  5. 散歩のときには手をつなぐ
  6. マッサージを断らない
  7. 遊びに行く妻を快く送り出す
  8. たまには二人でエスケープ
  9. 子供のためにも”妻ファースト”
  10. 「いつもきれいでいてくれて、ありがとう」という言葉と共にシートマスクを贈る。


10 things you can do so that you can smile with your wife 10 years later as well by  Kenichi Takido

  1. Buy a flower home on a normal day
  2. Do chores
  3. Say "Thank you" and "It was so delicious," aside from "Itadakimasu" and "Gochisosama"
  4. Don't rush her when she is doing a makeup
  5. Holder her hand while strolling  
  6. Give her a massage
  7.  Smile when she goes for fun
  8. Go on a date with her sometimes
  9. "Wife First" for your kids
  10. Present sheet masks to her with words "Thank you for being beautiful always"

 All in all, good (I have been in marriage more than 10 years). I just do not want a sheet mask but a "funny cat video"...





Anyway, if you read the specification of Mr. M and if you are "getting excited...," just like Sandwich Man (sorry, this time woman only),  please give a line to tokyocabin@gmail.com. Then I'll let him know his contact exceptionally. "Closed information" is the key for success in any areas such as job seeking and real estate transactions. (His information is wide open actually) Anyway, he is an interesting guy, I promise you.

I have been happy with another unique man for years, and just hope YOU to be happy with Mr. M. Based on my long-year experience, "an interesting person who can take care of himself at home" is the best for a marriage partner! (no matter how modest or unstable his income is, in my personal opinion)
When in doubt, contact  tokyocabin@gmail.com, or, you can leave a comment here.

Somemi Narita,
Chief of Shinjuku Matching Center of Tokyo Cabin

まとめ Wrapping-up


You may call my article "a pure article on Kenichi Takito," never "information on Mr. M." I partly agree with you. I...like the persons who struggled in his/her early days, such as Pekopa, Audory and Sandwich Man (they are all comedian duos). Stories of the struggles are interesting. OK, I saw some hard days, but I have never had "three days without a meal"!  

「3日食べないとかかな?」滝藤賢一 "No food for three days?"  Kenichi Takito


チャンネル登録者数 109万人


OK, you may say, everything is a warm-up part for the conto by Toshiya Miyata. The answer is NO, however, it looks like that.

 【キスブサ】半沢直樹 コント 宮田俊哉 "Hanzawa Naoki" Parody-Toshiya Miyata


【キスブサ】半沢直樹 コント 宮田俊哉〔キスマイ超busaiku〕
1,141,051 回視聴•2020/09/26
y t チャンネル登録者数 2300人


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