チュチュガムシの原点?「新庄節」は 鮭川村出身の歌…朝倉さやSaya Asakura-Shinjo-bushi originated from Sakegawa Village


 民謡日本一の朝倉さやさんは、Solayaさんのプロデュースで、現代風に新しく解釈し直した”New 民謡”を歌っています。わたしはその中の「新庄節」を聴くたびに泣けてしまうのですが、なぜなんでしょうか?

Saya Asakura sings "new minyo (Japanese traditional folk music)" produced by solaya.  New minyo is a reinterpreted minyo for today's listeners with funky beats, etc. Among the new minyos, I love "Shinjo Bushi" most, which makes me cry. Let me explain the reason here.

民謡と新たな音楽の融合させた『River Boat Song -Future Trax-』では2015年日本レコード大賞企画賞を受賞しています。インディーズ初めての快挙です。

Saya Asakura's album "River Boat Song -Future Trax" is a fusion of traditional minyo songs and today's music. The album won the Japan Record Award (planning) in 2015,van indie production. 

朝倉さや 古今唄集 / 全曲MUSIC VIDEO 視聴

9,108 回視聴•2020/04/05
朝倉さや チャンネル登録者数 9.24万人

朝倉さや「古今唄集~Future Trax BEST~」
1. AGRIMONY ~旅さあべ~
2. Mr.Mamurogawa (真室川音頭 Future Trax) - Mamurogwa Ondo
3.からめ節 Future Trax - Karame Bushi
4.豆ひき唄 Future Trax - Mamehiki Uta
5.River Boat Song with respect for 最上川舟唄 2020 - Mogamigawa Boat Song
6.新庄節 Future Trax 2020 - Shinjyo Bushi
7.酒田甚句 Future Trax 2020 - Sakata Jinku
8. 茶摘み唄 Healing Music Trax  - Tea Picking Song
9.おはら節 Future Trax 2020 - Ohara Bushi
10.たんす唄 Future Trax  - Drawer Song
11.ハテナ Hatena

All of these are based on local traditional folk songs and each of them was arranged in a different way. Among them, the bellow is my favorite.  

新庄節 (山形県民謡)  Shinjo Bushi (Minyo in Yamagata Prefecture)


新庄節 (民謡) - 朝倉さや【MUSIC VIDEO】
165,958 回視聴•2016/10/14

朝倉さや「古今唄集~Future Trax BEST~」

This is a song for a person who went to the city of Shinjo. The lyrics are very interesting. Every time I listen to the latter part., "Sparrows say Chun Chun," I cannot stop crying. I wonder why.

新庄節の歌詞 Lyrics of "Shinjo Bushi"


ハアー(ハ キタサ)

Hahhhh  (Hah  Kitasa)

あの山高くて 新庄が見えぬ(ハ キタサ)
I cannot see Sinjo City because the mountain is too high  (Hah  Kitasa)

新庄恋しや山憎や(ハ キタサ)
I am sick of Sinjo, I hate the mountain   (Hah  Kitasa)




The letter from the city said flowers are in full bloom

こちら雪だと 返す文

It is snowing here, replying to the letter




東雲の東雲の 夜明けの頃に
When it is almost dawn, 


C Melody


Sparrows say Chun Chun

a crow says Kaa Kaa

お空に鳶が ヒョーロヒョロ
A kite fly singing Hyohro-hyoro

して又お寺の 金木魚
Moreover the bell andl drum at the temple

スコポーン スコポンポンと
Sukopohn, Sukoponpon

鳴らぬうちや 帰さりょか
Let us back home before the sound starts

現代と同じテーマ Theme for today


Exchanging mails with somebody went to Shinjo …this sounds exactly like "Momen no handkerchief."

I introduced "Momen no handkerchief" in this article. 

So, this is not a old story saying that the undeveloped transportation system in the old times but a theme for today.


because the mountain is too high…I hate the mountain


The mountain represents something that detachs you and your love. It can be countries, an income gap, races, times, you name it. You just cannot see him or her because of the obstacle.


In the B melody, the "Shinonome no" depicts the beautiful dawn, clouds burning with the morning sunlight. Saya's resonant voice takes you to the heavenly sky.  This B melody can be a bridge, a turning point for the song.

そしてCメロで「雀がチュンチュン」と、歌い方が急に親しみやすい感じになるところ! 何度聴いても泣いちゃうんですよ! Aメロだけだったら、割と普通の”恋歌”なんだけど、そこで、自然の摂理みたいなのを、わらし歌みたいな感じで歌う2層構造が凄い歌だと思います。人間が自然に包まれていることを教えてくれている。そのC部分は、最後にはお寺が出てきて、「ああ、恋焦がれるわたしたちも、自然の中に生きていて、最後は死ぬんだな」って思う。

Then the C melody suddenly begins with "Sparrows say Chun Chun" in the familiar tone of a nursery rhyme!  This part kills me! If this song is made of A melody only, it would be an ordinarily "love song," but actually this song has a double-layer structure with C part that sing about natural laws. We, humans, are a part of nature. And the C part ends with a temple. You understand like this. "Then, we two in love are surrounded by nature and die in the end."

なんちゅう唄やねん⁈ こんな素晴らしい歌はどっからでできたのだろうか?と気になって調べたところ…

Oh, what a song?! Where did this minyo pop up from?



The Shinjyo Bushi used to be sung when people were weeding in Sakegawa Village, Mogami-gun. Then it edited as a ozasiki song (songs for drinking parties) in Mambamachi yukaku licenced district in Shinjyo.  

山形県新庄市周辺で歌われてきた民謡。最上(もがみ)郡鮭川(さけがわ)村の羽根沢(はねざわ)地区で歌われていた草刈りの甚句(じんく)『羽根沢節』が、明治の初めごろできた新庄の遊廓(ゆうかく)万場(ばんば)町に持ち込まれてお座敷唄(うた)となり、いまの『新庄節』の原型として定着した。1914年(大正3)新庄の劇場三吉(みよし)座の杮落(こけらおと)しに、歌舞伎(かぶき)役者尾上多賀之丞(おのえたがのじょう)が来演したのを機会に、改作と踊りの振付けを依頼して完成したのが現在のものだといわれている。歌詞に「猿羽根(さばね)山越え 舟形(ふながた)越えて 売られ来たぞえ」とあるように、万場町遊廓に売られてきた女性のことを歌ったものだったが、のちに「逢(あ)いに来たぞえ」と万場町へ向かう男性の心情を歌うというふうに改められた。

[斎藤 明]

 新庄節とは - コトバンク

 最上郡鮭川村ですよ! 残念ながら上牛潜(カミウシクグリ)ではありませんが…。そして、この「雀が チュンチュン」が、”Stranger to the city"の「チュチュガムシ」に影響を与えたのではないでしょうか?…ということにしておくと、なんかそれっぽいので、そういくことにさせてください。

Yes! Sakegawa Village, Mogami-gun! Sorry, that is not Kami-ushikuguri... This "Sparrows say Chun Chun" may have influence on "chuchugamushi" in ”Stranger to the city," in my idea.

え? カミウシクグリってなんですか?という方は、こちらの歌詞動画と地図をご参照ください。

If you don't know "Kamiushikuguri," check the below video with lyrics and a map.

" Stranger to the city" (カミウシクグリは1:11) with Kamiushikuguri


日英歌詞 Stranger to the City - English subs, Ku-Wa de MOMPE-Takaaki Ishibashi & Maccoi Saito『北の国から』台詞入り


This song also has a double-layer structure with Tokyo City and Yamagata countryside. The turning point is..."chuchugamushi"?!

まとめ Wrapping-up


Minyo (Japanese traditional folk song) is a kind of popular music because everybody loves and sings it together!  


ご注意 Note:



In history, "Shinjo-bushi" is a sad song depicting the situation that tenant farmers had to give up their daughters because of poverty. Today, the Sonai plain of Yamagata Prefecture is a land rich in harvest. During the Showa Depression in 1933, however, peasants faced difficulty in making a living and thousands of "Oshin" girls were sold to cities as "apprenticeship"or geisha.  


