"Stranger to the city" Lyrics video w/Eng. subs「北の国から台詞入り」Happy 59th Birthday to Taka-san!



Happy 59th Birthday to Taka-san!

捲土重来を果たした"カムバック・キッド”ならぬ”カムバック・キング”石橋貴明とスーパーお笑いディレクター・マッコイ齋藤のデュオ、”くわとモンペ”のデビュー曲「Stranger to the city」の歌詞でリリックビデオを作りました。日本語と英語の歌詞が分かるようになっております。『北の国から』の名シーンと、『おしん』を含む山形名物も分かるように入れこみました。

I made a lyrics Video for "Stranger to the city," the debut song of Ku-Wa de MOMPE by "comeback kid KING" Takaaki Ishibashi and director Maccoi Saito. In this lyrics video, you can understand both original Japanese lyrics written by Takaaki and their English translation. The video also includes the famous scene in the legendary drama "Kitano kuni kara," in addition to specialties of Yamagata Prefecture including "Oshin."

Please be noted that I used large portion of the original music video. This is because the two men in the dashing" Corleone" suits are so photogenic standing out against Sensoji Temple at night and Kamiushikuguri rice field in the late summer. For the use of the original video, I am going to ask the person in charge officially. I hope you to please understand well that this is just a fan-made video who deadly hope to introduce the wonderful song to the world in a easy to understand manner.

Ku-Wa de MOMPE(くわとモンペ) - "Stranger to the city"


『北の国から』台詞入り日英歌詞 Stranger to the City - English subs, Ku-Wa de MOMPE-Takaaki Ishibashi & Maccoi Saitoo #チュチュガムシ

 "Stranger to the city"の歌詞 Lyrics



星しか見えない空の下 光を抱きしめて
泥まみれの俺のポケット 夢を押し込んだ
ロンリーデイ ロンリーハート

Under the sky full of stars holding the light
I pushed down my dream into my muddy pocket
Lonely day, lonely heart
I cannot dance well
Does window blow in the City of Tokyo?

本当の答知るため スロットル全開
破れたブーツの先は 全て知っているのか
オンリーワン オンリーユー

To discover the truth, I went full throttle
Do the torn points of my boots know everything?
Only one, only you
I cannot get spin
Is the City of Tokyo full of colors?



Trust me oh Trust me   見つめてくれ
Hold me oh Hold me tonight tonight

Trust me, oh, trust me. Just look at my eyes
Hold me oh Hold me tonight tonight



カミウシクグリ そこに チュチュガムシ
毒を吐き 熱が出て
溶け出すよ テトラサイクリング

In Kami-ushikuguri, there are chuchugamushis (trombiculid mites)
They spew venom and I've got fever
Tetracycline starts to work


シモウシクグリ そこにも チュチュガムシ
知ってるさ 俺の気持ち horizonの彼方(ムコウ)
Show night hey ya!

In Shimo-ushikuguri, there are chuchugamushi again
I know my feelings. Over the horizon
Show night hey ya! (Shonai plain field in Yamagata Prefecture)




Bad boys のふりして 夜にくだをまく
車のパッシングライトに 蛍が集まった
ホタル ジュン
北の国から yes!  クラモト ソウ

Pretending to be Bad Boys, we keep chatting over night
Fireflies gathered to flashing headlights
Hotaru, Jyun (Both are characters in the below-mentioned drama)
"They are (still) eating now!"
(A line from the below-mentioned drama. See: https://youtu.be/5Oh2QVLvIf0)
"Kitano kuni kara" yes! So Kuramoto (A famous TV drama series and its script writer)



ギンザン so  ギンザン   ギンギラギンザン
モガミ リバー モガミ  おしん おしん

Ginzan so Ginzan Gingira-ginzan( Silver mines. Referring Ginzan hot spring?)
Mogami River, Mogami Oshin, Oshin (A famous drama)



ヤマガタ モガミグン オオアザ アザ イナカ
サクランボ イモニナベ
ツヤヒメニ ヨネザワギュウギュウ

Yamagata Prefecture, Mogami-gun Oaza Aza Inaka (address of the countryside)
Cherries, Imoninabe (A local hot pod dish)
Tsuyahime (A famous rice brand) and Yonezawa beef, beef


ヤマガタ モガミグン オオアザ アザ イナカ
本当は 海側の 方がひらけている 

Yamagata Prefecture, Mogami-gun Oaza Aza Inaka (countryside)
To tell the truth, the sea side area is more thriving
Dadachamame! (Local soybeans)



「やっしょ まかしょ やっしょ まかしょ しゃっしゃっしゃ~」

Dancing by Taka-san

"Yassho, Makasho, Yassho, Makasho, Shashashasha"
(Calls in a local traditional dance "Hanagasa Ondo")



カミウシクグリ そこに チュチュガムシ
毒を吐き 熱が出て
溶け出すよ テトラサイクリング

In Kami-ushikuguri, there are chuchugamushis (trombiculid mites)
They spew venom and you've got fever
Tetracycline starts spreading


シモウシクグリ そこにも チュチュガムシ
知ってるさ 俺の気持ち horizonの彼方(ムコウ)
Show night hey ya!

In Shimo-ushikuguri, there are chuchugamushi again
I know my feelings. Over the horizon
Show night hey ya! (Shonai plain field in Yamagata Prefecture)


Show night hey ya! (Shonai plain field in Yamagata Prefecture)
Stranger to the city! 
Show night hey ya!
Stranger to the city! 



"Stranger to the city" means…a country fellow, right?



まとめ Wrapping-up


So, another regend started like this. 

