「香港に栄光あれ」作者Thomas dgxインタビュー☆香港と歌う「明日」!Interview with Thomas dgx


香港の人たちが自由を求めて集うとき、いつも歌がありました。「香港に栄光あれ」です。世界的に有名になたこの曲の作者 Thomas dgx yhlさん は、ミステリアスな存在です。香港の民主運動家アグネス・チョウ(周庭)さんや、ジョシュア・ウォン(黄之鋒)さんの顔はインターネット上でおなじみですが、トーマスさんの顔は知られて位はいません。そもそもトーマスさんの名前は本名ではありませんし。そんな香港運動の”レジェンド”の素顔に迫りました!

Whenever people in Hong Kong get together for freedom, there is always the song "Glory to Hong Kong." However, the composer Mr. Thomas dgx yhl is a mystery to us.
We can see the pictures of Agnes Chow and Joshua Wong, but not Mr. Thomas dgx yhl...and his name is tentative one.Through this interview, however, you may "glance" at the true face of the mysterious legend....




According to Wikipedia, the song "Glory to Hong Kong" was uploaded onto YouTube for the first time on August 31, 2019.I cannot believe that it was just only one years ago (!), but it swiftly grew to the new "anthem" of Hong Kong supported by people's love. However, it is banned to sing at least at school. Could you tell us your feelings about the song as its" father"?

It is my honour that people accept my work as the anthem of fighting for freedom, on the other hand, i deeply feel that
it is also the work of all hong kongers, without their sweat & blood, I would have never been able to compose this song.
In the case of the song being banned from school, i think that the reasons behind are ridiculous.
We have explained meanings of lyrics before, how come speaking out for justice and freedom through singing could break the law?



DGX -《願榮光歸香港》原版 《Glory to Hong Kong》First version (with ENG subs)
3,387,391 回視聴•2019/08/31
Dgx music チャンネル登録者数 3.05万人



Then you released《不屈進行曲》《March of the Indomitable》in October 2019.
This march song seems to be a successor of 《Glory to Hong Kong.》
However, 《明天》launchd in April 2020 sounds totally different from the two predecessors. Of course it expresses the mixed feelings of young people but the tone is milder.The melody line sounds familiar to Japanese people so I expected that there may be a Japanese version for this. And it has come!



DGXmusic -《不屈進行曲》 《March of the Indomitable》 MV
355,999 回視聴•2019/10/12
Dgx music チャンネル登録者数 3.05万人

僕はポップスといわゆるクラッシックを両方作曲できます。クラッシックを学んできたけど、日本のバンドも好きなんです。「明日」(「明天」)は数年前に僕が、「音楽をとるか? 退屈だけど安定した職につくか?」迷ったときに作曲したものです。メロディは、揺れ動く気持ちと、明るい未来への希望を表してるんだ。

I compose both pop music & "classical" music,I have a classical music background while i love listening to japanese band music.
The song明日 (明天) was composed a fews years before, while i am facing a hard time, whether to choose the path of music or the path of a boring but stable job.The melody itself expresses the mixed feelings and the hope for a brighter future.

揺れる心を軽やかに歌う 《明天》


DGX - 《明天》MV Trailer
9,607 回視聴•2020/04/12
Dgx music チャンネル登録者数 3.05万人


We think it might be a good start for my band to start approaching "popular music" after 榮光, & 不屈. Since "classical" music is suitable for mass singing, while popular music is more easy to be accepted by the public. The singer is a HKer called Nami. She has been singing Japanese songs for quite some years.



DGXMUSIC -「 明日 」MV 日本への感謝ソング from 香港
61,760 回視聴•2020/09/30に公開済み
Dgx Band チャンネル登録者数 1.76万人



I am very concerned about the impact of the state security laws on creation.
I really love the witty, urban creativeness of Hongkongners. I'd like to know your idea as a creator.


I am afraid that a lot of creations have been suppressed by the security law.
As we wrote on the Youtube description, we have been forced to change directors a few times,& even a famous celebrity was forced to quit acting for the MV.






You are selling pretty Japanese omamori amulets of Glory of Hong Kong.
How did you get such an idea?!
Are they available outside Hong Kong? (I'd like to have some...) 

あれでしょ? 日本文化は僕たち香港人のお気に入りだからね。音楽制作のための資金を募る時のギブアウェイを探していた時に、「お守り」いいじゃん!って :D 香港と台湾にもお守りに似たものはあるから、香港の人たちにとって違和感ないんだよ。

Well you see, HKers including me love Japanese culture.
When looking up for items to sell in order to gain funds for creating music,
we got the idea of making omamori amulets :D.
Moreover, there is something similar to omamori amulets in HK & Taiwan,
so HKers are no strangers to them.


願榮光歸香港 作曲人 & 原創團隊(@dgxmusic)がシェアした投稿 -



I quite like Edward from 鋼の錬金術師, one reason is that the characters in the animation are more "realistic",
in the sense that they don't have overpowered superpowers, they are more like ordinary people with courage and wisdom :)



Edward Elric [AMV] - Elastic Heart
605,404 回視聴•2018/04/05
Feeedeay チャンネル登録者数 3450人


  • トーマス DGXさん『鋼の錬金術師』
  • アグネス・チョウさん『 ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン』
  • ジョシュア・ウォンさん『機動戦士ガンダム00』、『機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ』『進撃の巨人』



LEGO Neon Genesis Hong Kong (Hong Kong Protest Anime OP)
12,064 回視聴•2020/03/07 starwarsstudio 200

starwarsstudio 200 さんによって固定されています
starwarsstudio 200
6 か月前

This video has been censored by the Chinese goverment. If I dissapear then I haven't kill myself.



At first, during early June, we were afraid that getting support for HKers from overseas may not be an easy task,
since we don't know each other :D, & it was chaotic under the impact of covid-19, there was no such motivation for people outside HK to support us right?


But right after the security law, during those hard times, we found ourselves surrounded by all means of help, especially from the public of Japan.
I really do not know how to thank the Japanese public for their kindness. HKers will not give up.

Cheers~ またね~

 毎日新聞による記事 "ASHITA" Covered by Mainichi News Paper


390 回視聴•2020/10/02
毎日新聞 チャンネル登録者数 6.03万人
当局による民主派への締め付けが強まる香港で、匿名の音楽家グループ「DGXミュージック」が歌の力で抗議デモを支援する活動を続けている。2019年8月に発表した「香港に再び栄光あれ」は、香港で続く抗議デモのテーマソングに。9月30日には日本語の歌詞をつけた曲「明日」を発表。作詞をした香港在住の日本人男性は「日本人に、香港への関心を持ち続けてほしい」と訴えている。(DGXMUSIC & Black Blorchestra提供)2020年10月2日公開


「Cheers~ またね~」





だ~か~ら~‼ こういうシャレオツなセンスがあるのが香港人なの! だ~か~ら~‼ お願いだからヤボすぎる国家安全法にはとっととお引き取り願いたい! だ~か~ら~‼ ようはねー、 わたしは茶餐廳でポーローヤウ食べて南生園でダッシュしたいだけなんだよ!ほっといてくれよお!

