【歌詞和訳】MIRROR-WE ARE; Japanese lyrics singable with romaji


香港で大ブレークのMIRRORの新曲WE AREの歌詞和訳のMVを作りました。短いものにする予定でしたが、カラオケテロップのように歌詞を見て歌えるように全部訳しました。同じ尺でも、広東語だと意味が日本語の4倍くらい入るので、日本語だと薄まってしまうのですが、それでもノリが伝わるように工夫しました。細かい意味は下記の英語訳を参照ください。

I made a music video with Japanese translation of the lyrics of MIRROR's new song WE ARE, which is a big breakthrough in Hong Kong. It was supposed to be a short one, but I translated all the lyrics so that you can see and sing the song like a karaoke ticker. Even though it is the same length, the meaning in Cantonese is about 4 times more than in Japanese, so the Japanese version is less in content, but I still tried to convey the groove of the song. For detailed meanings, please refer to the English translation below.

【歌詞和訳】MIRROR-WE ARE; Japanese lyrics singable with romaji


MIRROR-We Are の英訳と解説

[姜濤] (Turn up the beat)

[Lokman] 「洞!=Dong!」「 撻!= Let's start!」 跟住呢個節拍= Follow this beat
[Alton] 今晚 party 蓄勢待發 最後召集= Tonight's party, everyone is ready to go. This is the last call
[Lokman] 以前十倍供電而家觀眾四方八面= In the past, it was necessary to provide ten times the power, but now the audience comes from all directions
[Alton] 吖!要試 mic 喇喂= Ah! Try the microphone
[Lokman] 兄弟你哋喺邊= Where are you guys
[Alton] 不如等多一陣 今晚會好興奮= Why don't you wait a little longer? Everyone will be very excited tonight
[Lokman] 有人喺紅館附近塞緊啊= Someone was caught in a traffic jam near the Red Pavilion
[Alton] 呼吸可以娛賓= Breathing can entertain the audience
[Lokman] 係上一個 punch= When we ordered punch just now
仲爭邊個啊= Who else didn't order
[Alton] Ian 話佢嚟緊啊= Lan said he was on his way
[Ian] 大概半分鐘 趕到你家= It will take about half a minute to get to your house
[Anson Lo] 就算你即刻要 滿屋煙花= Even if you want the house to be full of fireworks now
[Edan] 若你這黑卡 member 想看雪花= If you, a black card member, want to see snowflakes
[姜濤] 瑞士直送你家好嗎= Send Switzerland to your home, is it ok?

[Jer] 無聊 我們接管吧= Let's get rid of your boredom
[Stanley] 放心啦= Don't worry
[Jeremy] 別又 一個看 MIRROR= Don't look in the mirror alone again
[Frankie] 人能和自己相戀嗎= Can people fall in love with themselves
[Alton] 悶局 要是放不下= If you can't let go of the boring situation
[Anson Kong] 放低啦=Just let it go
隨時 call 我 call 我= Call me anytime call me
找人來 救駕=Bring help for you
[Anson Lo] Wow, who you gonna call, baby?

心急戀愛 so here we are
[Anson Kong] 你若何時寂寞 叫在下= When you feel lonely, you can call me
[Ian] 你叫哪個也 畀一打= No matter who you call, we can work together
人人 兜兜轉轉= People are going crazy looking for him 
癲癲喪喪 為了找他= just so they can find him
[Tiger] 無情人 伴著過仲夏= Spend midsummer without a lover
[姜濤] 這晚我會 救你出低窪= I'll take you out of trouble tonight

Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, be my lover
Call me, call me, call me, call me
Call me 靜候大駕=I’m expecting you
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, be my lover
Call me, call me, call me, call me
Call me 淡定別怕= Calm down, don't be afraid

[Tiger] 廣東話 請按一字= Cantonese, please press 1
查詢點樣開心 請按十二= To find out how to be happy, press 12
[Anson Kong] 多謝你通電= Thank you for calling
對話入面包含各種意義= The dialogue is loaded with meanings
[Tiger] 壞事= bad thing
[Anson Kong] 急事= urgent matter
[Tiger] 公事= official business
[Anson Kong] 心事=secrets
[Tiger] 隨時致電= Feel free to call
[Anson Kong] Take it easy
[Tiger] 咦? 點解打親嚟都苦口苦面= Eh? Why are you in a bad mood every time you call?
[Anson Kong] 噉冇法子 通宵陪你數下手指= There's no way. I'll count fingers with you all night
[Alton & Lokman] 畀個五星吖 如果覺得滿意= If you feel satisfied, please give high opinion

[Tiger] 情人 太難去找吧= It's hard to find a lover
[姜濤] 你不差= You're not bad
[Edan] 寂寞 都要有 manner= Even if you are lonely, you should have your own manners
[Jer] 情人胡亂揀先可怕= It's terrible to choose a lover casually
[姜濤] 無人 應酬你的話= If no one entertains you
[Stanley] 記低它=Please remember that
就讓懂你的我= Let me, who know you,
衝前來 救駕= come and help
[Anson Lo] Wow, who you gonna call? Call me!

心急戀愛= Anxious to fall in love so here we are
[姜濤] 你若何時寂寞 叫在下= When you feel lonely, you can call me
[Lokman] 你叫哪個也 畀一打=No matter who you call, we can work together
人人 兜兜轉轉= People are going crazy looking for him
癲癲喪喪 為了找他= just so they can find him
[Jer] 無情人 伴著過仲夏= Spend midsummer without a lover
[Alton] 這晚我會 救你出低窪= I'll take you out of trouble tonight

Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, be my lover
Call me, call me, call me, call me
Call me 靜候大駕= I’m expecting you
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, be my lover
Call me, call me, call me, call me
Call me 淡定別怕= Calm down, don't be afraid

[姜濤] 可知給予我們新力量 全賴你吧= Do you know you can give us new strength
[Ian] Yes, we are what we are 全賴你吧= It's all because of you
[Edan] 猶如會員 但你= Just like members, but you
先至是 主將吧=are the master
[Jer] 全團亦待你愛寵 有加= And we're gonna love you too
[Tiger] 問我哋=Ask us
[Alton] 食藥未?= Take the medicine?
[Anson Kong] 夠癲未?= Crazy enough?
[Frankie] 我愛你=I love you
你你你 你都係我哋=You you you,You're one of us, too
[Stanley] 要有你 跳舞至夠氣= With you together, the dance is hot enough
[Anson Kong] 要有你 至會有我哋
我要你 個個有福利= I want you, everyone has benefits
[Anson Lo] Do what you do
Get down on the floor
Shake your body so nice
Everybody just (Oh yeah)

心急戀愛= Anxious to fall in love so here we are
你若何時寂寞 叫在下= When you feel lonely, you can call me
=No matter who you call, we can work together
人人 兜兜轉轉= People are going crazy looking for him
癲癲喪喪 為了找他= just so they can find him
庸人們 待薄你是吧=They don't treat you well, do they
試試我這 疼你的專家=Come to me, the one who loves you

Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, be my lover
Call me, call me, call me, call me
Call me 靜候大駕= I’m expecting you
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, be my lover
Call me, call me, call me, call me
Call me 淡定別怕= Calm down, don't be afraid

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