territory by Hiroshi Fujiwara 大人の塩レモン・ソング。A pinch of salt on your sweet yearning



Hiroshi Fujiwara-territory will give you a glimpse at his matured philosophy. Tantalized, you can take some grooving steps to it. Just do it easily ; )    

藤原ヒロシ +山口一郎(サカナクション)“TERRITORY” Hiroshi Fujiwara + Ichiro Yamaguchi (Sakanaction)


114,907 回視聴•2020/10/07 Hiroshi Fujiwara チャンネル登録者数 3160人



ってところ、ハッとさせられました。ふつうは「思い出になる前に」ですよね。さらにその思い出が「錆びて」、さらにさらに「砂になっちゃう」ってところが! 人生甘くないことを知ってるって感じ。


As you can see from his looks on this PV, Hiroshi Fujiwara is in his 50s, but his song has freshness in every term of voice, song, sense, etc.  With the finger-snap at 00:04, you'll get into Hiroshi's world. Hiroshi is not young, but I don't describe him as "dandy" or "adult."  However, his music has cultural-richness based on his vast experience as an experienced pop adventurer.
The lyrics appeared to be simple, but be aware, the feelings he sings are NOT so simple.  That should not be called the feeling of middle-age nostalgia, but it is a mature song. I'm in particular impressed by the phrase bellow:

Before the season where it starts dark around four PM comes
Before our memories lust into sands

In general, you will say "Before they turn to be memories," but he says that the memories "lust" to be "sands" in the end!  Oui, c'est la vie.
I don't know his family structure (and not so much interested in it). However, the song sounds like a message to his sweet little daughter or daughter-like girl. Yes, just like the Hisashi Eguchi (the 80's)-style cute girl anime in the video. So I guess that the "two" in the song suggests the girl and her boyfriend.  (Sorry if I misread it.)

Lyrics of  "TERRITORY" by Hiroshi Fujiwara

作詞作曲:藤原ヒロシ  Music and Lyrics by Hiroshi Fujiwara

Verse 1

月くらいに 遠いはず
触れるくらい 近いのに
思い出が 錆びて砂になる前に
You must be far as much as the moon
Although so close that I can touch
Before the season where it starts dark around four PM comes
Before our memories lust into sands
どこにでも どこに でも 行ける このまま
知らない街 知らない 場所で 待ち合わせ
You can go anywhere with the situation as you are
You promise to see someone at an unknown spot in an unknown city



僕の声が 届く範囲の中で 
息遣いが 感じる距離の中で 
それよりも 遠くに離れないで
Please stay within my territory
In which my voice can reach you
Stay close as much as I can hear your breath
Don't go out of my territory 


ふわり席を 立ち この場から遠ざかる
もう戻らないと 決めて 二人 旅立つ

The two stood up on their feet lightly
Leaving, having made up their minds not to return 



僕の声が 届く範囲の中で 
息遣いが 感じる距離の中で 
それよりも 遠くに離れないで

Please stay within my territory
In which my voice can reach you
Stay close as much as I can hear your breath
Don't go out of my territory  



月明かり 差し込む部屋の中で 
ブラインドの 影が作るストライプ
ホリゾント* 二人の影が浮かぶ 
そして 夜の雲に 再びかき消される
Moon light spots into the room
The shadow of blinds make stripes
As if you are in a horizont ( infinity cyclorama), the shadows of the two are cast
And disappeared under the night clouds 

ホリゾントとは? What is "horizont"?

「外光を遮断し、床と壁面のつなぎ目が緩やかな曲線でつながっている」状態のことで、一般的にはホリゾントスタジオのことです。THE FIRST TAKEチャンネルみたいなやつですよね。藤原さんの詞をファンしょん分析風に語ってみると、「一見シンプルっぽい着こなしだけど、よく見ると凝っている。そして、ちょっと目立つアイテム(言葉)を入れる。さすがキング・オブ・ストリートのオシャレ番長」

"Horizont," infinity cyclorama (found particularly in television and in film stills studios) is a cyc which curves smoothly at the bottom to meet the studio floor, so that with careful lighting and the corner-less joint, the illusion that the studio floor continues to infinity can be achieved. You can see it at the popular THE FIRST TAKE channel. Let me describe Hiroshi's lyrics in MB fashion analytic style. "It looks simple at a glance, but when you take a close look at the garment, it is really well-made. In addition, he added a few little eye-catching items (phrases) as impressive accent. No wonder he is the "King of Street Fashion!"  

蛇足 P. S.


To tell the truth, I thought he sang "Before our memories turn into sands and sands."
Like tibetan sand mandala, everything in this world is a picture drawn by coloud sands. So you are sands and I am sands... No, that's my mistake.   
