私の花粉症改善方法◇なぜ今年は「美炎-BIEN- / 鼻吹雪」にならなかったのか? How to cure pollen allergy


長年の鼻炎(花粉症)だったにもかかわらず、ことしは「美炎-BIEN- / 鼻吹雪」になっていないわたし。わたしの花粉症がここ数年で劇的に改善した方法をお教えいたします。
Despite my lengthy track record of pollen allergy, I did not fall into the BIEN inferno like "Hanafubuki" this year. In this article,I'll let you know how I have drastically cured allergy  these years.  

この状態に今年はならなかった!I did not experience this! 美炎-BIEN- / 鼻吹雪 Hanafubuki

ものすごい花粉症が劇的に改善 Pollen allegy was drastically cured

花粉症がひどかったころのわたし(10年前) When I was suffering allegy ten years ago

I had suffered severe pollen allergy of Japanese cedar and cypress. At the office, I couldn't stop sneezing and blowing my nose, nagged by my colleagues. At night ,it is more awful and I could not sleep with nasal congestion. In addition, my eyes got itchy and my face swelled. These symptoms continued from January to May every year. I spent about 20,000 yen a year on medicine, tissues, etc. Spring used to be the worst season for me under such terrible conditions.  

花粉症がかなり軽くなったわたし(現在)I am OK with allegy at this point


When I get my nose running, I take some OTC rhinitis drugs and it's done. No sneeze, no itchy eyes nor swollen face. 

なんで良くなったのか? Why did it get better?

If I got the know-how to cure my allergy, I would buy a Note article (for up to 1,000 yen). So, let me be frank. The largest reason that I've got better and better for these five years must be this:  

花粉症が改善した理由  Why was my pollen allegy improved?

トランスファット(トランス脂肪酸)をほとんど摂取しなくなった Avoid taking trans fat


Intake of trans fat is limited overseas, but not in our country. Hence, most of our daily foods such as sweets, breads, instant foods, etc. contain trans fat in the form of "shortening," "margarine," and "vegetable oil and fat" at a high percentage.

People point out that trans fat is an anthropogenic substance and which harms the human body in various ways. Of course, it is not good for your allergy. For detail, please refer to the following link:

ご存知ですか?トランス脂肪酸について | アトピー・敏感肌用保湿剤・化粧水の専門企業アトピーラボ

 良質な脂質が足りていない9つのサイン 9 sings you need to eat good fats right now


19,056 回視聴•2019/01/31 ブライトサイド | Bright Side Japan チャンネル登録者数 154万人


① 不飽和脂肪酸
 一価不飽和脂肪酸 (血中コレステロール低下)


② 飽和脂肪酸(血中コレステロール上昇)

Three fat groups

① Unsaturated fats

 Monounsaturated  (Lower blood cholesterol) 
  -Omega-9 fatty acids
   Olein acid...olive, almonds, etc.

  -Omega-3 fatty acids
   Alpha-linolenic acid…laxseed oil, perilla oil, etc.
   EPA・DHA…fish oils, etc.
  -Omega-6 fatty acids…nuts, safflower oil, etc.

② Saturated fats (Raise blood cholesterol)
      Meat, dairy products
③ Artificial Trans fats(Raise bad cholesterol, obesity)
   Commercially baked/processed foods

  1. いつもお腹が空いている
  2. 肌の乾燥やくすみ
  3. 冷え性
  4. 脳が疲れやすい
  5. 体重がなかなか減らない
  6. 視力の問題
  7. 消化器系の問題(免疫=アレルギーと関連!)
  8. ビタミン欠乏症(ビタミンA,D,E,Kなどは脂溶性のため、脂質と一緒に摂らないと吸収されない!)
  9. 関節痛
9 sings you need to eat good fats ① and ② right now(eating ③ only)
  1. You're often hungry
  2. Your skin is dry and looks dull
  3. You often feel cold
  4. You get mentally tired too quickly
  5. You can't lose excess weight
  6. You have problems with eyesight
  7. You have problems with your digestive system (related wtih immnity=allergy!)
  8. You're vitamin deficient (Some vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E or K are fat soluble, which can only be absorbed only if combined with fats!) 
  9. Your joints hurt

まとめ Wrap-up


  • 8時間睡眠
  • 夜基本ご飯食べない
  • 毎日運動(太極拳、HIIT)
  • ナッツやシリアルでお通じ改善
  • 台湾ウーロン茶を愛飲


Other possible reasons are these:

  • Eight-hour sleep
  • No meal after 17:00
  • Every-day exercise (Taichi, HIIT)
  • Regular bowel movements thanks to nuts and cereal
  • Taiwan oolong tea

However, the most effective measure must be to stop having margarine and commercially available sweets/breads (excluding trans-fat-free products). I have no skin trouble all year now. If you are suffering hay fever, I recommend you to try this. Note that it would take a few years before you can gain a positive outcome.

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