Interview with tokyocabin☆香港は西洋的知性と東洋的センスの鴛鴦茶 HK, blend of Western intelligence and Eastern sense



Incidentally, I've received a question from a person (Mr. Q) : Why are you interested in Hong Kong?  So I am going to answer it here in the form of an "interview with tokyocabin."




Mr. Q: In Hong Kong, many people love Japan and Japanese culture. I also love Japan very much, the people are kind, the food is amazing, and tokusatsu is the best.
But we don't often meet someone from Japan that is interested in Hong Kong. I'm curious to know why you are interested in HK.


I am going to answer this. That would also be an explanation for other readers why I am eager to feature Hong Kong in this blog.

センス抜群な香港の映画監督 /  HK movie directors' delightful sense 

周星馳 Director Stephen Chow

そもそも香港に興味を持ったのは、10年ほど前に再放送でテレビで観た『少林サッカー 少林足球』(2002) が予想を上回る面白さだったことにあります。どこが予想を上回るのかと言うと、その「洗練度」です。周監督の特徴であるメタ化パロディのセンス。そのオタク的なこだわりと完成度。彼の作品で一番繰り返し見ているのは『カンフー・ハッスル 功夫』(2004 )ですが、『0061北京より愛をこめて!? 國產凌凌漆』(1994) もかなり好きです。

I initially started to have interest in Hong Kong when I watched the rerun of "Shaolin Soccer" (2002) about ten years ago.  The movie was far beyond my expectation in its degree of sophistication in its humor. I felt a sensation with his metafictional parody, which is his hallmark, as well as otaku-like obsession and perfection.  I watched "Kung Fu" (2004) countlessly, but my favorite is "From Beijing with Love" (1994).  

『0061北京より愛をこめて!? 國產凌凌漆』"From Beijing with Love" (1994).


In the movie, Stephen looks sexy in the traditional butcher-style, almost naked under an apron. Honestly to say, he sometimes looks like Tony Leong (who is as old as Stephen). Stephen, however, always clevely hides his keen intelligence with his mouth agape.   

杜 琪峰 Director Johnnie To

トー監督は『ヒーロー・ネバー・ダイ 眞心英雄』(1998)を観て、スタイリッシュなアクション演出と、血の通ったキャラクター設定がカッコいいと思いました。黒澤映画の影響とのことですが、現在こんなレベルのアクションは日本映画にはない。
作品の中では『PTU』(2003) の冷たい青い夜の雰囲気が好きです。現在制作中のMV「メトロの叫び」はこの映画の雰囲気を狙っています。(ただ、最近のニュースで観る香港警察機動部隊にはがっかりしています)

"A Hero Never Dies" (1998) was the first Johnnie To movie for me. The stylish action design and believable character setting are really cool. Johnnie said he was influenced by Akira Kurosawa, but I don't believe we have such a great successor of Kurosawa like him.

I love the cool, pale night atmosphere of "PTU." (2003)  I try to create the same kind of mood of a mysterios, urban fable in "Call of Metro," an MV I am creating now.  (However, actual PTU seems to be disgusting these days according to the news.)

『ホワイト・ヴァレット』の病院内での銃撃戦シーン Hospital shootout in "THREE" (2016)

トー監督以外は描けないシーンでしょう。最初観た時はファンタジック過ぎると思っていましたが、非武装の市民に対する驚愕的暴力、「若者たちの言葉に耳を傾けよう」というテーマソング(羅大佑Lo Ta-Yuのオリジナルを王菀之 Ivana Wongが歌った)の挿入からして、現実を予見した監督の慧眼だったのだと今では感じます。天才的です。

No one can depict such a chaotic but beautiful shootings but Johnnie. At first, I thought the situation is too fantasy-like. Not now. We are facing the threat of violence against unarmed citizens in real life. Along with the perfectly selected theme song of Lo Ta-Yu (sanged by Ivana Wong for the movie) going as follows, this scene represents the genius insight of Johnnie.   


Now, listen to our youth; what are they talking about?
However, you have to take a look: What on earth do you want them to do?

陳可辛 Director Peter Chan

ドニー・イェンと金城武主演『捜査官X 武侠 』 (2011) は奇跡的な素晴らしい作品。ユーモアセンスもあります。香港の歴史が分かる『ラヴソング 甜蜜蜜』(1996) もいいです。最近では『最愛の子 親愛的』(2014) も非常に良かったです。

”Dragon" (2011) starring Donnie Yen and Takeshi Kaneshiro was a miraculously fantastic movie with a lovely sense of humor. I also like "Almost A Love Story" (1996) in the historical flow of Hong Kong.  "Dearest" (2014) was also very impressive.  

『捜査官X 武侠 』の超絶かっこいい戦闘シーン Super cool fighting scene in "Dragon" (2011)

 カンフー映画「捜査官X」ドニーイェン対クララウェイ 2011年劇場公開

This amazing scene cannot be created only through SFX but the actors and an acress's martial art skill. Hong Kong actors and actresses are eager to work out to stay fit for action shooting.

葉 偉信 Director Wilson Yip


I really love the "Ip Man" series. I practice Tai Chi every day and even tried Wing Chun a bit. One of the wonderful things about Chinese martial arts (just as other martial arts) are not only a sport but has its own consistent thought (world and nature view), which stimulate our imagination. I even wrote lyrics based on such a thought for the Ip Man's theme.

川井憲次のテーマ曲にtokyocabinが歌詞を付けた歌  My lirics for Ip Man Theme by Kenji Kawai


オリジナル歌詞「イップ・マンのテーマ」川井憲次, Ip Man Theme (Cello: Séverin, Vo. Asami), 《葉問》日文 (広東語, Eng) #詠春 #ドニー・イェン
1,375 回視聴•2020/06/28 tokyocabin


That said, as an action movie, the masterpiece for me is definitely "Flash Point" (2007) by Donnie Yen.

私的にアクション映画第1位の『導火線 』 "Flash Point," (2007) my best action movie
I cannot remember how many times I watched this video...  

広東語の面白さ、精妙さ Cantonese, a charming, exquisite lanugage


Cantonese has a variety of sound elements that give it a musical charm. The spoken Cantonese keeps ringing in my head like a never ending song. I visited Hong Kong only once in 2017. I felt as if I were in a HK movie, surrounded by the resonance of Cantonese, which made me so excited. Today I can listen Cantonese via AppleDaily, RTHK, etc. on YouTube. I even tried to study Cantonese at school. However, I realized that the pronunciation is too difficult for Japanese (very easy for Hong Kongners contrarily), so I do not learn it for now.  I often listen to the relatively recent songs created by Hong Kong musicians, mesmerized by their deliquate expression. 

 my little airport - 沖繩流浪貓

my little airport - 沖繩流浪貓
93,527 回視聴•2018/09/24 imisshotmail チャンネル登録者数 3.78万人

知性と熱意を持ち合わせた香港人 Intellect, passionate people in Hong Kong


When I visited the city in 2017, I found that the atmosphere in the subway is very close to Tokyo's. People are quiet, fashionable, and avoiding one another's eyes. Walk even faster than in Tokyo. Very sophisticated city dwellers. I felt very comfortable there.


I have been supporting Hong Kong democracy since the 2014 Umbrella movement. Seriously, I believe Hong Kongners are the world's finest people in terms of  intellectual, living and cultural standards plus passion and persistence. The song "Bauhinia Tree" based on "Glory to Hong Kong" is created so that I can express my feeling to people in Hong Kong. I am very happy when I receive positive responses to the song.

#願榮光歸香港 「バウヒニアの樹」"Bauhinia Tree" lyrics by tokyocabin

#願榮光歸香港 「バウヒニアの樹」(Bauhinia Tree) Original Japanese lyrics with English subtitle, #Glorytohongkong
629 回視聴•2020/02/27 tokyocabin

香港旅行の3泊四日の朝食は、全部蓮香樓だったのですが、初めはよそよそしくても、3日目になると覚えてくれた香港の人たちが、話しかけてきて、お茶の飲み方を教えてくれました。きっちりたたんだナプキンの上に眼鏡を置き、 自分で持ち込んだ花?を急須に入れて「マイブレンド」にすると話してくれた紳士を覚えています。いつかまた蓮香樓で話をしてみたいです。閉鎖するかもという話で心配しました。ずっと営業を継続してもらいたいです。

During my three-day trip, I went to Lin Heung Tea House every day. I like the community-like atmosphere.  On the third morning, at last the local people started to talk to me and kindly advised me how to handle a teacup in the HK style. I still remember a gentleman who set his eyeglasses on a cleanly folded napkin and showed me how to add special flowers to his tea for making his original brend. I'd like to talk with him again someday. I am worried that many traditional tea houses are going to close these days.    

地価の値上がりから経営が危ぶまれる点心の老舗 Old dim sum tea houses are in danger of closing because of ascending rents, etc.

221,622 回視聴•2020/04/10
Alfred Chan チャンネル登録者数 27.4万人


OK, let me be honest, what I really want to do in Hong Kong is playing "Flash Point" fight in Nam Sang Wai.

『導火線』のラストシーン in 南生園 Tha final fihgt in "Flash Point"


Dear Mr. Q,


The aboves are reasons I love Hong Kong.
Actually, there are a large number of possible fans for the contents of Hong Kong. However, currently, information about Hong Kong is biased toward tourism, gourmet, shopping and old Hong Kong movies in the 80's. If they are informed more about on-going culture and social trends, there wil be more Hong Kong fans with higher interests. With Japanese subtitles, your movies are gaining Japanese viewers.
Lastly but not least, I am more than happy that you read my blog and gave a message to me. 多謝

