守武者⑤Interview-2: 夢を与えるヒーローになるには? How to be a powerful, dream hero?




You are inspired by Japanese tokusatsu heroes. Do you have any heroes you are particularly respecting?

僕の子供の時はたくさん戦隊ショーを観ましたよ。スーパー戦隊だけでなくて、仮面ライダーやウルトラマンね。みんなそれぞれ尊敬するヒーローは違うと思います。僕は『仮面ライダーW』の左 翔太郎(ひだりしょうたろう)が特に好きですね。彼は風都(ふうと)という街とそこに住む人たちを守りたいと巡視に願っているんです。その街が好きだから。そのために力を尽くす彼が尊敬できるし、僕も自分の街を守る力があればなあってよく思うよ。

As I was growing up I watched a lot of Tokusatsu shows, not only super sentai but also Kamen Rider and Ultraman. I think each of us will have different heroes that they respect. I particularly like Hidari Shotaro from Kamen Rider W. He genuinely just wants to protect the city Fuuto and all of its people, because it is the city that he loves. I admire him because he works hard to achieve that and I often wish that I could have the power to protect my city.



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81,204 回視聴•2018/02/11

The Tokusatsu Network チャンネル登録者数 3.49万人


I also respect Tsureno Takeshi, who played Ultraman Dyna. He is truly a hero who carries on the spirit of Ultraman even after the show ended. Tsureno Takeshi promotes ‘Okumen’ and hopes that fathers can spend more time with their children. He himself has a very positive image and enjoys spending time with his family. He is a role model that I always look up to.



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5逆に、日本から見ると香港は、異次元レベルのアクション映画を誇ります。(私は杜 琪峰監督の大ファンです。)ブルース・リーやドニー・イェンの功夫映画も大人気です。(勇進のヌンチャクいいですね!)

On the other hand, Hong Kong is famous for super-duper action movies. (I am a big fan of Director Johnnie To.)Kung fu stars like Bruece Lee is very popular (勇進's nunchaku is cool.)Accordingly, I am paying attention to your film making, in particular, action choreography.

夢翔はより古風なタイプの男で、彼のアクションは中国武術から来ています。香港の古裝片(神話劇)と似ているでしょ。彼は北派武術が得意なんです。大きな動きで (大开大合,舒展大方) 、スタイリッシュに敵を討つ。彼の武器は中国の刀で、中国剣術を使う特撮ヒーローは大きな刀を使うことが多いけど、夢翔の刀は細いんだ。力でお圧倒するのではなく、コレオグラフィーで彼のスキルと力を見せることができるようにね。

We take a lot of references from traditional Kung Fu and also Kung Fu movies starring Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. 夢翔 and 勇進 will fight using these different styles and we hope that it can build to their character. 夢翔 is kind of a more traditional guy, his action is influenced by 國術 so you can find similarities to Hong Kong 古裝片. He uses more of 北派武術, moves with large actions (大开大合,舒展大方) to defeat the enemy in a stylish way. His weapon is a Chinese sword so he also fights using 國術劍法. Usually tokusatsu heroes will have large swords but 夢翔sword is very thin. It may not look as powerful but we hope the choreography can show his skill and power.



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33,466 回視聴•2011/09/29 Sean Tseng


勇進はブルース・リーの影響大です。『死亡遊戯』のコスチュームをオマージュしたデザインはもちろん、橫蹬腿(サイドキック)や反手(バックハンド)攻撃といった速い動きを使います。 彼の武器はヌンチャクで、これも速くて強烈です。

勇進is largely influenced by Bruce Lee, not only the design, but also his action style and weapon. He is a fast fighter who uses moves like 橫蹬腿 and 反手 attack. His weapon is the nunchaku which is also fast and powerful.



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With our villains we also try to design action moves to develop their character. For example Greed Monster has a dancing routine when he fights with his cane, and Hungry Monster who uses his belly for attacks.


Which is more popular, 夢翔 or 勇進? (I personally cannot take my eyes from 勇進's 死亡遊戯 design!)



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1,050 回視聴•2019/09/0
守武者-夢翔 官方頻道Dream Guardian Official Channel



It seems that many fans like 勇進 more! Maybe because of the more classic color, simple helmet design and playful personality. Indeed his character design takes inspiration from Bruce Lee's suit in 死亡遊戯. Bruce Lee is truly a legendary martial artist and pay tribute to his legacy. 勇進 has not yet appeared in our net series and many fans have commented that they look forward to seeing him. Please don’t worry, he will appear very very soon. But nonetheless 夢翔 is the main character and we tried to do something a little different with his design to make him more unique, particularly the references to native american culture. So personally I like 夢翔 better.




Now people and children are yearning for justice and dream in Hong Kong and Japan.

Give us your fervent message to your fans (and possible fans in future) in Japan for our "Dream Power charge"!

諦めないで! 闇があるところには、いつも前進するための光もあるものだ。 夢を信じて希望を持ち続けよう。粘り強くベストを尽くせば、困難もクリアできる。もちろん、, 夢翔 も勇進も君を応援しているよ!

Don’t give up! Where there is darkness there will also be a light to guide us forward. Believe in your dreams and always have hope. As long as we persevere and do our very best, we can overcome any challenge. Of course, 夢翔 and 勇進 will be here to support you too!

Dream Power Charge!!



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1,343 回視聴•2020/08/30
守武者-夢翔 官方頻道Dream Guardian Official Channel




