守武者④Interview: 香港の特撮ヒーロー登場! To be Hong Kong tokusatsu heroes!


香港ローカルヒーロー「守武者ドリームガーディアン」チームに、本邦初(tokyocabinの推定)のインタビューにお答えいただきました! 子供たちに夢を与えるヒーローを演じる、ヒーローになりきること、そこにはどんな喜びと苦労があるのでしょうか?


Could you share us the very beginning of your activities ?


We started as a group of tokusatsu fans that cosplayed as Kamen Rider. We got inspired by a photo of Ultraman visiting a hospital and we thought that we can use the hero character to bring joy and hope. So we started to do volunteer service while cosplaying.

But we wanted to move away from using existing characters and so we decided to design our tokusatsu hero. In 2017 we started our own tokusatsu project Dream Guardian.The design and planning process took one year. Our project was officially announced to the public at the end of 2017. 



東網透視:狂迷尋夢 自費六位數創港產超人
1,132 回視聴•2018/02/10

「幪面超人」陪伴不少港人及小朋友成長,一班超級粉絲組成「超人」團隊,多年來義務出席不同的活動及表演,為小朋友帶來歡樂,又自資自編自導自演拍攝屬於自己的幪面超人特攝片,付出時間和金錢亦在所不計。去年團隊花了近一年時間,創造出兩位「Made in Hong Kong」的港版「超人」,取名「夢翔」及「勇進」,寓意做人要有夢想及勇往直前。


Our team also began to produce our own net series. So far we have released 3 episodes, and we have another 6 planned(episode 4 coming soon!).


However, we didn’t abandon our original welfare mission, Dream Guardian will continue to visit community centers and schools, where we perform stage shows and play games with the children. We believe that as a tokusatsu hero project there is a certain responsibility to spread positivity and teach children about good habits. Our stage shows will often include educational messages such as the importance of sharing, friendship etc.



守武者-夢翔 Dream Guardian 賽馬會大角咀東華三院綜合服務中心 open day 花絮
410 回視聴•2018/08/03
守武者-夢翔 官方頻道Dream Guardian Official Channel


You are doing this activity of justice while having your work for living.
Do your coworkers know that you are fighting with the evil as the Dream Guardian team?


My friends and coworkers all know that I am part of the Dream Guardian team. Although most of them are not fans of tokusatsu, they still watch our net series and support what we do. Our filming often happens on weekends, so sometimes if there are office events during weekends I am unable to join. I am very thankful for their understanding and support.


I don’t usually tell people which character we perform as. I like to think that the tokusatsu heroes/villains are real creatures, not actually played by humans.



宅上癮:齋扮幪面超人唔滿足 特攝狂迷用六位數拍攝「香港英雄」劇集:日本都有FANS(果籽)
27,402 回視聴•2020/07/30に公開済み
果籽 チャンネル登録者数 50.2万人


In Hong Kong, tokusatsu culture is not very developed. Many people do not know about the different tokusatsu works and their characters. Some people even think it is strange for us to invest so much time, effort and money into this project. But I think tokusatsu is a great genre with much deeper meaning and the ability to inspire children and adults. I hope more people can learn about tokusatsu and see our work.


You are performing at welfare facilities, etc. on a volunteer basis to make children happy. That is great. What are child audience reactions to you?

僕たちはファンや、特に子供たちと交流するのが大好きです。子供らしい無邪気さで喜んでくれると、頑張ろうって思えるんです。子供たちがたとえ夢翔 を知らなくても、いつも喜んでくれるんです。ただ、香港の子供たちは恥ずかしがり屋が多くて、興奮を顔に出さないようにしていることがあります。ヒーローに会うのを避けて、遠くからただ観ているのです。

We love interacting with fans and especially children, their childlike innocence is part of what motivates us to keep doing what we do. Even if the children don’t recognize 夢翔 they are always happy to see him, but Hong Kong children are often shy and sometimes they don’t express their excitement. Some just watch from a distance, afraid to meet their hero.


One time during our stage performances, there was a part where 夢翔 was losing and needs the audience to cheer to give him power. The children in the audience yelled 加油 so loudly I felt my eyes water inside the helmet. It is very heartwarming when the children are so excited and invested in the performance.



守武者-夢翔 Dream Guardian 粉嶺普光學校暑期活動
1,458 回視聴•2018/08/05
守武者-夢翔 官方頻道Dream Guardian Official Channel


But Hong Kong children generally mature quickly, and their parents are a major reason for that. Some of them already know that 夢翔 is not real and start looking for the zipper and velcro. I think protecting a child’s innocence is important because it gives them space for imagination and creativity. We should treasure their time as a child and create a happy childhood for them so that when they are adults, they can look back and remember they had a great childhood.


人はヒーローになれるのか? なれるはず。なろうとすれば。まず、ヒーローになろうという夢を持った人たちがいます。それが「ドリームガーディアン」チームなのです!



#專題人訪 英雄夢想與日常 守武者 | Sportsoho 2019年1月號
645 回視聴•2019/03/04
Sportsohoチャンネル登録者数 1720人


