たぬきちのダンス@Yung Bae島; Tom Nook dance@Yung Bae Island


Jo-Ha-Q氏のAMVもいいんですけど、そもそものYung Baeの曲が面白いです。てか踊れます!
AMVs created by Jo-Ha-Q is pretty, but Yung Bae's music is special too!  Dance to it!


Were humans born to play
Born to have fun

正直Yung Baeの音楽そのものが、かなり凝っていて面白いのはあります。でもってYung Bae本家純正MVもなかなかなんですよね。こうして見てみると、Yung Baeの音楽そのものががAMVっぽい。アニメを聴覚化しているかのような!
Meanwhile, Yung Bae's music is also pretty sophisticated and interesting. His official MV is also fantastic.  Looking at these works, his music is very...AMV-like, as if he turns the animation world into music sounds!

 Animal Crossing - 5PM (Yung Bae Remix)

402,050 回視聴•2020/04/29に公開済み
チャンネル登録者数 6.43万人

『あつ森』の”5PM"リミックスといえばYung Bae。

This is a popular remix arranged by Yung Bae of "5PM" in "Animal Crossing."
Its unique beats going like "npow, npow, npow, npow" are really impressive.  If you call the original "5PM" a normal Starbucks latte,

 Animal Crossing - 5PM (Original)


5 P.M. - Animal Crossing: New Horizons Music Extended [OST]
171,076 回視聴•2020/03/22
Cellextyn X チャンネル登録者数 3860人


YB's mix should be a Starbucks latte customized with hazelnuts-syrup + cinnamon. Once you listen to this version, it would be difficult for you to forget the taste. I really like this remix since it sounds like somewhat psychedelic.  

もちろん『あつ森』を使ったMVは、Yung Bae島ビーチで、いざダンスバトル実況です。注目すべきはその構成。4コマ漫画で有名だけどそもそもは中国の詩の理論である「起承転結」を踏襲して見事に盛り上げます。テンションの入れ方、そのあとの展開が勉強になりんす!

The MV is based on, of course, "Animal Crossing."  A dance battle event at the beach of Yung Bae Islande.Noteworthy is the story composition of the video. It follows typical 起承転結(kishotenketsu) theory, which is originated from a theory for writing a style of Chinese poems and often used for Japanese four-frame comics.  After giving tension at the "turn" part it makes the audience relaxed at "conclusion." Gee, I can learn a lot from the island!

  • 起 introduction-- イザベラきらきら踊るIssabella can dance
  • 承 development--フータかっこよく踊る Blaters can dance
  • 転 turn-- たぬきちの踊り圧倒的⁈ Tom Nook breaks it down⁈
  • 結 conclusion-- みんなで和んでおどる(おわり)Everybody enjoys (END)



When I see the steps of Tom Nook dancing
my body starts to move too

---Parody of "Ryojinhisho" c. 12 Century

Yung Bae - Digital Mirage Set

219,659 回視聴•2020/07/16
チャンネル登録者数 6.43万人

Yung Bae @ Digital Mirage - Official Livestream DJ Set

動画をバックにした特製DJブースで音を操るYung Baeです。なんかおとぎ話みたいですよね。メドレーで30分、これだけ踊れば十分でしょう。

Yung Bae in front of a special DJ booth with a movie projection. The whole picture looks pretty, like a scene from a fairy tale. This is a 30-min medley so you can dance enough.


After 11:25, he plays the music used by Jo-Ha-Q AMVs.

このMV自体はJo Ha Qさんより後に出ています。おそらく、っていうか、確実にYung BaeはJHQ知っていて、そこから影響を受けている気さえします。AMVが音楽に与えた影響ってあるのではないだろうか?

This MV was released by JHQ, which suggests that he must know JHQ movies. YB appears to be even inspired by JHQ. Yes, AMV can have influence on music expression, naturally, I believe.  

 Yung Bae - Welcome To The Disco feat. Macross 82-99

1,364,686 回視聴•2019/10/22


This music is also played in the JHQ's AMVs! To be honest, I think it is meaningless to sort out reality, story, music, animation, etc. All we can do is enjoy them altogether and dance to them!!   


YB is very positive to use 80-90s animation work in Japan. Accordingly, he can be called a kind of LoFi hiphop musician and one of the best DJ musicians who create highly danceable music.

まとめ  Wrapping-up


全部乗せ、グルーヴ感マシマシがYung Bae+Jo-Ha-Q! 

I started to think that we should treat visual and audio together, searching for evidence for the idea. Both can be handled by AfterEffects in a synchronic way...so should these two be treated in the same dimension? 

Dance = Music + Phisical moves
Animation = Music (Sound) + Visual moves
Dance + Animation = Yung Bae & Jo-Ha-Q  with enhanced groove feelings!

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